11 Years, 11 Stories - A Tribute to Our Community’s Journey Together




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As Gate.io celebrates its 11th anniversary, beyond marking this significant milestone, we've been pondering how to convey our gratitude to the users, team, and partners who have been with us over these years. With over 16 million users and a thousand employees, Gate.io has flourished over these remarkable 11 years. Therefore, we've decided to select "11 Stories" from countless moments of inspiration during this journey. Through this special anniversary project, we hope to take everyone on a journey to revisit these extraordinary 11 years, and get to know a more authentic Gate.io.

Employee Stories:

Behind 11 Years: The Dutiful Chatroom Watchman

Join Gate.io in January, 2018 > Employee G shared a compelling story about the founder, Dr. Han Lin. G recalls, "Dr. Han is a person of great integrity. He would often spend late nights in the chatroom, listening to users’ complaints and needs, and quickly turning feedback into new features and products. This dedication not only solved problems in the market but also earned users' trust." At Gate.io, one of the core values is: ‘Do no evil.’ It may sound overly simplistic, but G deeply appreciates the founder’s unwavering commitment to always doing the right thing, even when faced with tough choices. "Simplicity versus righteousness, profit versus integrity—many might choose the former," G reflects. Dr. Han’s perseverance has always inspired the team’s collective efforts. "When the company faces challenges, he consistently leads us to find the right path and overcome many obstacles together. To this day, our team continues to collect user feedback through various channels, constantly improving our products," G explains.
"Our goal has always been to provide our users with the best experience. This culture has become a core part of our team," G concludes.

Striving Without Regrets: C’s 9-Year Journey at Gate.io

Join Gate.io in January, 2015 > C joined the company early on, and from C’s perspective, Dr. Han not only cares about the employees’ lives but also gives them enough space to make mistakes and grow. C went from having no experience to leading a team of 200 people, thanks to Dr. Han’s trust and support. "When I first joined, I was only 26 years old and had no experience in building and managing a team. But Dr. Han saw my potential and encouraged me all the way to where I am now," C said. Discussing the biggest changes at Gate.io over the years, C remarked, "We now have over a thousand employees worldwide, which was unimaginable before." As Gate’s product line has grown, the rise in employees was a natural result. "Besides the increase in numbers and business, the core of Gate.io hasn’t changed, and that’s really important to us," C added. In the industry, the quickest way for a startup to cash out is often to sell the company. During a prior meeting, C once asked Dr. Han why he didn’t consider selling. Dr. Han smiled and said, "Look at our colleagues; they’re in their 20s or 30s. I’m in my 40s. We’re all still young—shouldn’t we keep striving?" This statement, C recalls, showed Dr. Han’s genuine commitment to building a top-notch exchange and products driven by pure intentions. Dr. Han always puts users’ safety first and firmly refuses to engage in market manipulation or exploitative practices. He hopes Gate.io can be a clean space in the industry, developing more valuable products for retail investors. Although such practices might earn less money, he prefers to stick to his principles rather than damage the company’s reputation and brand. "For Dr. Han, making money is secondary; the important thing is that we are doing the right thing," C said. Reflecting on her journey, C said, "He is always steadfast and full of conviction, which inspires each of us to continuously improve."

Witnessing Clients' Journey from Debt to Profit, H: More Than Just Business Partners, We're Friends

Join Gate.io in November, 2019 > We interviewed another employee, H, who expressed admiration for her department leader. H shared, "My leader has a talent for solving problems with both wisdom and humor. Instead of focusing on my lack of experience, she saw my potential, trusted me, and gave me opportunities. This support encouraged me to take on new challenges and grow. H also shared that many loyal users are always polite and respectful when seeking help, which often leaves her feeling appreciated. H shared a touching story about a client who was heavily in debt. Through a promotional partnership with Gate.io, the client gradually paid off his debts and built some savings. K is grateful for the client's openness and is always thinking about ways to create mutual benefits. "Our relationship with clients is not just business; it's more like friendship. We chat occasionally, not just in a business way." When Gate.io's Dynamic Circle launched, H's leader spent a lot of time reading every user feedback and actively responding. During live streaming, they would reward outstanding content. "Gate.io is not flashy, but they proactively identify issues and actively provide feedback and solutions." H believes this company culture deeply influences all employees and products. Gate.io’s culture has always emphasized practicality. Even the founder, Mr. Han, actively identifies frontline issues and works to resolve them. Mr Han personally responds to user feedback and even rewards excellent content during live broadcasts. "This company culture not only boosts our work enthusiasm but also earns the trust and support of our users," H concluded. H recalls her experience transitioning to expand overseas markets due to business adjustments. Though English was a challenge, she faced considerable pressure with her new job responsibilities. Yet, with the leader's patient guidance and collaboration with colleagues, she achieved business objectives and gained team recognition. The leader's trust allowed her to organize Gate.io's global offline Meetup events and collaborate across departments. This not only increased Gate.io's visibility but also helped H recognize her capabilities. Grateful for the supportive environment, H says, "At Gate.io, it's more than just a job; it's like being part of a family. We face challenges and grow together, and that's truly special."

Growing Amidst the Crypto Wave: Clients' Casual Comment Sparks Hot Trend

Join Gate.io in May, 2021 > When K first joined Gate.io, she met an experienced venture capitalist. During a conference call, this investor shared insights on market trends, specifically mentioning a technological trend within a certain ecosystem. At the time, K didn't pay much attention, but later, that ecosystem indeed became a hot trend, prompting her to recall the conversation. She realized the investor had accurately predicted the future. "I couldn't believe how right he was," K reflected. This experience broadened her perspective, making her grateful for the opportunity to work with industry professionals and see a bigger world. Gate.io's team operates with a flat management structure, fostering open communication where everyone's opinion is valued. "Here, everyone is friends and speaks openly, unlike traditional companies with many rules," K said, appreciating this sincere communication style. Despite working remotely and lacking direct interaction with colleagues, she cherished the harmonious and supportive team atmosphere. "Actually, not going to the office makes me feel less motivated. I prefer the rush of working with my colleagues in the office," she said with a smile. However, the volatile crypto market has posed many challenges for K. Adapting to market changes and quickly developing strategies to respond became crucial. "The market changes so fast, you have to stay flexible," K emphasized. Instead of relying solely on instructions from superiors, she proactively identified market hotspots. This initiative allowed Gate.io to react swiftly during market recoveries, attracting more users. During a project negotiation, a misunderstanding over fees arose. After multiple rounds of coordination and showcasing Gate.io's core competitive advantages, K managed to update the offer to meet both the company's and the client's expectations. The client expressed appreciation. "I was worried they might be unhappy with the final price, but they ended up thanking me," K said. This experience taught her that sincerity and hard work ultimately earn trust and respect. "This job has taught me so much, not just professional knowledge but also the warmth of our team and the trust of our clients," H concludes. "Every day here feels fulfilling and meaningful."

From Market Crashes to Customer Success: A’s Remarkable Journey

Joined Gate.io in August, 2018 > A’s career has been filled with remarkable moments. One standout memory was during a live stream when the price of BTC suddenly plummeted to $3,700. "I was live streaming when BTC took a nosedive," A recalls. "We were showing the live computer screen, and seeing BTC crash in real-time was unforgettable because we might never see something like that again." There was a period when A was transferred to another department, but due to strong demands from major clients, he was brought back to his original department. "The big clients specifically requested my return, which made me very happy," A says. "The leadership also rewarded me with a bonus for my performance, which was a great affirmation for me." A has built strong relationships with his clients. "I chat with clients like friends. Even though we don’t talk about the market trends, I respond to their needs quickly, and their trust in me has grown," A explains. He particularly appreciates the company’s open communication culture and team collaboration. "We communicate openly and respect each other’s opinions, which makes my work environment very comfortable." Once, a user mistakenly transferred a large sum of money, and A actively coordinated with the project team to resolve the issue, preventing the funds from being locked up for months. "A user accidentally transferred a huge amount, and if it weren't resolved, it would have been locked for a long time," A explains. "After discussing with the business development team, we successfully helped the user resolve the issue, and the user was extremely grateful for our efforts." A started as an online customer service representative and has grown significantly in his career. "From starting as online customer support to now working in the major clients' department, I’ve truly felt my value and witnessed the company’s growth," A reflects.

From Aircraft Engineer to Business Development: J’s Career Transformation

Joined Gate.io in December, 2019 > J began his career as an aircraft maintenance engineer at a state-owned airline, dedicating nearly a decade to the role. "Back then, I thought I would stay in that position forever," he reflects. "However, the strict corporate management and limited growth opportunities dampened my enthusiasm. When I was transferred to an office position, my passion faded." Feeling isolated and faced with a bleak future, he left. With the support of his family, J started looking for jobs online and soon received an opportunity to enter the crypto industry. "During the interview, Gate’s HR was hesitant about my age and almost rejected me. But I cleverly remarked, ‘A man blossoms at his thirtith’ which unexpectedly won them over, and I got the job."· Upon joining Gate, J encountered new challenges, but the team’s patience and selfless assistance helped him quickly improve. "This industry may seem vast, but it’s a tight-knit community where any misconduct spreads like wildfire," he notes. Gate’s emphasis on integrity and honesty struck a chord with his values.
J was deeply moved by the care and attention he received at Gate.io. "One time, a very senior leader proactively approached me, analyzed my strengths and weaknesses, and asked which position I preferred," he shared. "As an ordinary employee, I never expected to be valued so highly." Despite the unpredictable nature of the crypto world, Gate’s stable strategy and focus on collaboration gave him a vision of long-term growth and development.

User Stories:

An Eight-Year Journey with Gate.io: The Story of a Coin Collector

Registered on Gate.io in 2013 > @Superogers has been passionate about coins since childhood, collecting various types and later becoming fascinated with gold and silver commemorative coins. Each coin holds a special meaning for him. "Every coin is a tiny snapshot of its era," he says. Though the value of his collection has far exceeded their face value, he has never sold any because they are priceless to him. In 2013, Superogers first heard about Bitcoin. Initially, he was skeptical of this virtual currency, but his friends kept talking about Bitcoin’s rise, which piqued his interest. "My friends kept going on about how Bitcoin was climbing, and I thought maybe I could make some money to buy more coins." On his friends’ recommendation, he registered on Bter and bought some Bitcoin. However, as Bitcoin’s price fell, he became disheartened and almost gave up on his investments. The turning point came at the end of 2017 when Bitcoin’s price suddenly soared. Superogers discovered that the funds in his Gate.io account had unexpectedly appreciated, rekindling his interest in digital currency. "I thought that money was gone, but it had actually doubled." On April Fool’s Day 2019, Gate.io launched GateChain, a new blockchain aimed at solving digital currency security issues. This caught his attention, and Gate.io’s resilience gave him confidence. He and his family and friends eagerly invested in GT. Despite the volatility of the crypto market, Superogers remains optimistic about the future. In his eight years with Gate.io, he has experienced countless ups and downs, but his enthusiasm for Gate.io has never waned. "Collecting coins is still my hobby, but Gate.io and GT have become an integral part of my life. Whether I’ve loved or complained about it, this journey is a valuable part of my life."

Near Massive Loss: Crisis Reveals Gate.io's True Nature

Registered on Gate.io in May,2013 > TangHuaBanZhu@uniswap12, a seasoned cryptocurrency trader, registered his Gate.io account on May 15, 2013. He fondly recalls, "My UID was still four digits back then!" Since that time, Tanghua has experienced many ups and downs alongside Gate.io, witnessing its growth from a modest platform to a major player in the industry. Whenever someone questions Gate.io, he firmly states, "Gate.io is absolutely trustworthy and a responsible exchange." The story begins in September 2017, when the local government announced the closure of all virtual currency exchanges, and Gate.io’s predecessor, Bter, was also affected. Tanghua, preoccupied with other work, had not paid attention to the crypto world for some time. When he finally noticed the withdrawal notice email from Bter, months had passed, and the website had already shut down. "I still had a significant amount of RMB and digital currencies in my account. I felt devastated," Tanghua recalls. Despite the grim situation, Tanghua decided to reach out to Gate.io customer service, explaining his predicament in detail. "I didn’t have much hope because the withdrawal deadline had long passed, and Gate.io had no obligation to help me." To his surprise, Gate.io quickly responded, guiding him through the process of transferring his digital currencies from his Bter account to Gate.io and transferring the remaining RMB to his bank account without any loss. "The swift and meticulous handling of my case was both unexpected and touching," he says. This experience strengthened Tanghua’s trust in Gate.io. "Whenever someone questions Gate.io, I share my personal story to illustrate that Gate.io is a responsible company, and Han Lin is a responsible leader. No matter what happens, Gate.io will never withhold a single cent from its users. Your assets are safest with Gate.io," Tanghua asserts.

From Scholarships to $100,000: BigHand' Journey of Success at Gate.io

Registered on Gate.io in 2017 > In 2017, BigHand entered the world of cryptocurrency, choosing Gate.io (then called Bter) from the start. "I used a national scholarship to trade on Gate.io and actually made my first big profit in life," he recalled. Now, eight years later, many of the exchanges he initially traded on have disappeared, but Gate.io has continued to thrive, celebrating its 11th anniversary. BigHand primarily engages in spot trading on Gate.io. "Whether it's coins available on other platforms or those unique ones, Gate.io always provides them, and the listing speed is super fast," he said with a smile. "The wide variety of coins keeps Gate.io fresh and exciting for me." For him, the most attractive aspect of Gate.io is its user profit-sharing mechanism. "In 2021, I first encountered Gate.io's Startup project, which is the earliest platform I know of to offer free airdrops of new coins. As long as you're a VIP, you can receive new coins from airdrops for free, without paying or staking. The VIP threshold is also very low, requiring only a certain amount of funds on the platform," he said. "Through two bull markets, I made about $100,000 just from these zero-cost airdrops." "Gate.io's generosity truly reflects the platform's scale and user-friendliness," BigHand wrote on the occasion of Gate.io's 11th anniversary. "I hope Gate.io continues to improve and brings more benefits and opportunities to us users."

F’s Crypto Journey: From Bter to Gate.io

Registered on Gate.io in 2013 > In April 2013, F registered on Bter (the former name of Gate.io) and began his journey into the world of cryptocurrencies. "I was especially interested in Ripple at the time, and Bter was one of the few platforms that supported multiple cryptocurrencies, so it was a no-brainer for me to use," he recalls. Back then, trading altcoins wasn’t common, and major exchanges didn’t support them. F and his friends had to search for exchanges that offered a variety of coins and eventually found Gate.io. "Gate.io supported Ripple and also had a web chat feature that allowed us to exchange ideas with other traders, making the trading process much more enjoyable." For F, Gate.io’s Startup project became one of his favourite features. "This section was really impressive. You could get some coins at almost no cost, and sometimes these were coins from promising projects. It was truly unique at the time," he says. As an early user of Bter, F’s trust in Gate.io stems from its reliability and steady growth. "Since its inception in 2013, Gate.io has continuously evolved alongside the industry, always improving the user experience. Even when Bter faced a hacking incident, the platform quickly compensated users, showing a high level of responsibility," he notes. Compared to other exchanges that have collapsed or faced major issues, Gate.io’s stable operation has given him great confidence.

Z Exploring Airdrops: Gate.io Startup Offers The Best Opportunities

Registered on Gate.io in 2013 > In 2018, Z first encountered Bitcoin. He laughs as he recalls, "I needed a wallet address for mining, so I chose Bter. That moment marked the official start of my cryptocurrency journey." From then on, he formed an enduring bond with the exchange. Z has a special fondness for Gate.io’s Startup project. "The ability to get coins for free, almost like a giveaway, felt like discovering a treasure," he says. These opportunities thrilled him, making him feel like he had found a haven in the world of cryptocurrencies. Since 2018, Z has been using Bter. Despite various rumors about the exchange’s safety and stability, Z has always trusted that Gate.io would not let him down. "Gate.io is constantly innovating, and their service is excellent, which gives me peace of mind. With every upgrade and optimization, I can feel their dedication and sincerity," he admits. Over the years, he has witnessed Gate.io’s progress. In this rapidly changing industry, Gate.io has become his reliable partner and solid support. "Through Gate.io, I’ve not only accumulated wealth but also learned a lot about cryptocurrencies and met many like-minded friends," he says, eyes filled with hope for the future. Eleven years is not just a number; it’s a story. Thanks to every user and every employee, Gate.io has grown immensely. We look forward to stepping into an even brighter future with you, where everyone can achieve more success on this ever-innovating platform. Your support makes every moment at Gate.io more valuable and meaningful.

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